Viridor Recycling Centres
Project Summary
Viridor is a recycling, renewable energy and waste management company with sites in Bristol, Manchester, London, Glasgow and Exeter. From these treatment facilities Viridor operates a range of recycling activities that turn waste material into energy and provide recyclates for manufacturing.
To date, Sandy Brown has provided acoustic advice to Viridor at five sites across the north west of England to ensure that noise generated by their operations sits within local authority guidelines and/or does not have a detrimental effect on their neighbours.
Services Provided
Each site has its own specific requirements in relation to the scope of acoustic services.
Typically, this has included:
- site meetings and inspections to determine the key sources of noise generating equipment and agree assessment methodology with the Viridor team
- measurements of noise generating equipment, activities and processes at Viridor sites
- noise monitoring at nearby noise sensitive receptors
- assessments of any noise impact from the noise generating equipment, activities and processes associated with the Viridor sites at nearby noise sensitive receptors
- advice in relation to possible mitigation measures to reduce the impact where required.
Special Acoustic Features
Extensive noise monitoring has been carried out across five Viridor sites across the north west of England and also at nearby noise sensitive receptors within close proximity.
Measurements at the Viridor sites have been carried out to determine the noise levels produced by noise generating plant, activities and processes associated with the operation of the recycling and waste centres. Measurements at nearby noise sensitive receptors have also been carried out to assess the noise impact due to noise associated with the Viridor facilities.
Specific mitigation measures have been advised to help control the environmental noise egress levels and reduce the impact on nearby noise sensitive receptors.
Recommended mitigation measures have included solid screening/plant enclosures with sound absorbent linings, acoustically rated louvres, attenuators, acoustic lagging to ductwork and pipework, the sealing of penetrations, acoustic finishes to control reverberant noise-build-up, limiting the times of specific processes, and regular servicing and maintenance checks to some of the noise generating plant items.
Sandy Brown has also attended Viridor community liaison meetings to present and discuss the outcomes of the acoustic assessment work with neighboring residents, and address concerns raised by them.