Stockwell Street Building, University of Greenwich
Project Summary
Housed behind a limestone façade, the Stockwell Street Building provides new facilities that include a modern learning resource centre and academic buildings that provide a home for over 2,000 students from the University’s school of architecture.
On a site that covers 17,000 sq. meters, the building features 14 interlinked terraces that form the largest multi-functional roof space in London. The architecture studios alone cover an area equivalent to one and a half football pitches.
The development has been awarded RIBA National and Regional (London) awards and was shortlisted for the Stirling prize in 2015.
Services Provided
Sandy Brown provided acoustic design strategy and specifications in relation to:
- sound insulation
- room acoustics
- building services noise and vibration control
- noise modelling.
Special Acoustic Features
A 3D computer noise model of the proposed development was created which determined the noise contours likely to occur from existing noise sources. This allowed us to establish the required level of noise protection provided by the new development.
Ensuring acoustic quality within these spaces was another essential part of the development which was achieved by integrating acoustic finishes into the design at an early stage.
The interior design for the Stockwell Street building focusses on lofty ceilings and there is a full height atrium that uses exposed concrete and steel finishes with mesh balustrades. Ducts and services are exposed, enabling the architecture students who use the building to observe how it functions from a more technical perspective. Sound transmission, noise build-up and reverberation were all key issues and, combined with the open plan nature, this industrial design made the choice of finishes critical to the building’s success.